52 Hymn Story Devotions
Dear Friends,
** Due to health reasons, Lucy will not be able to update this site anymore **
It Is Well With My Soul
The Haratio Spafford family of Chicago planned an exciting vacation to Europe for the fall of 1873. When the time came, however, business matters in the Spafford law firm prevented Mr. Spafford from going with his wife and family. He planned to join them as soon as possible.
Anna Spafford and four of their daughters kissed him goodbye and then settled in on the beautiful French steamer for a long journey. As the ship slipped out of port and the children waved goodbye to their father for the last time. Within a few days, on Nov. 22, an English shipping vessel struck the hull of the ship that carried the Spaffords. It was cut apart and sank quickly. The girls were swept into the icy waters. The 226 other people were never to be found either.
Their mother, though, was rescued along with other survivors. They were taken to Cardiff, Wales, where she wired her husband the brief but heart breaking message: "Saved alone". He left immediately to join his wife. As his ship neared the spot where the tragedy had occurred Spafford prayed. His words, written in poem form, have since become the well-known hymn, "It Is Well With My Soul".
In this father's time of grief, he spoke to his Lord who had taught him to have this attitude:
" When peace like a river, attendeth my way. When sorrows like sea billows roll. Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well with my soul."
Several years after other tragic family events, Mr. Spafford's strong faith guided him to write this beloved hymn. It is a perfect witness to the power of a loving God who can heal the brokenhearted. The beautiful music that has carried this prayerful message to others was composed by Phillip Bliss in 1876.

"Jesus Loves You Fellowship"
In the Bible we read these words of Jesus,
"Believe in God, believe also in me." (John 14:1)
As we believe, we can know God's perfect love.
The following stories and songs tell of God's
plan for our lives.
1. 'Jesus Loves Me' - This simple, childlike song has its beginnings in a very short poem in a very long novel ...
2. 'Softly and Tenderly Jesus is Calling' - The dynamic preaching of evangilist Dwight L. Moody was over: he lay on his deathbed ...
3. 'Amazing Grace' - Even the sound of sweet-grace, grace-it is amazing...
4. 'Go Tll It On the Mountain' - The carolers in our town who sing from door to door often sound like a band of angels ...
God bless you,
Lucy N. Adams
"...like a pebble being tossed into
crystal clear waters creating ripples of new
"...inspirational work of art." - "I love
Lucy Adams ..." - "...I highly recommend this
inspire an author’s book
Lucy Adams turns 52 songs of
devotion a top seller |
By VICKI HYATT, Staff writer,
LAKE JUNALUSKA -- Lucy Neeley Adams,
author of “52 Hymn Story Devotions,”
claims there is nothing original in
her recently published book.
“I haven’t written
a thing that hasn’t already been said
somewhere, except for the personal
illustrations about what a hymn meant
to me,” she says humbly.
But researching the beginnings of
some of the most popular hymns through
the ages, condensing the story and
then adding a poignant “personal touch”
has been a popular concept. It has
taken Adams on a journey from a music
ministry within the Methodist churches
where her husband has pastored to
a radio personality, then a newspaper
columnist and finally to writing a
this site, you will find a brief history of Lucy
Neeley Adams, excerpts
from 52 Hymn Story Devotions, Benefits
& Reviews, a story of
"Our Song" and how to purchase "52 Hymn Story
Devotions" from either:

"God Speaks, Devotional Responses to Every 3: 16 in the New Testament "God is speaking. Are we listening? When we're lonely, confused, or angry, God speaks to us. When we're content, satisfied, or joyful, God speaks to us. Join the Christian Writers Fellowship of Western North Carolina on a journey through the New Testament's 3:16 passages. God speaks to us through His word. He wants to speak to you too.
May 2013 publication.